English Exam Cracker Blog

Improve your English for Information technologies with these 5 video channels

1. Computerphile

Computerphile is the You Tube channel about computers and coding. The video topics vary from learning programming languages and data analysis to cyber security and crypto-jacking. The videos are not lengthy and provide a comprehensive overview of each topic discussed.

2. The PC security Channel
If cyber security, ransomware, antivirus software, hacking, and phishing are not empty words for you, you will definitely enjoy watching You Tube videos made by the creators of the channel. What is more, the authors persuade that you will be able to take something out of their videos and immediately implement this into practice! Why not try?

3. Sentdex
Another cool channel for tech-savvies who are interested in AI, ML, robotics, learning programming languages, web development, game engines, just to name a few.

4. Programming with Mosh
If you want to become a top professional software engineer, all you need is passion and determination, not a degree according to the author of the channel. Mosh is ready to share all the resources you need to become the best coder you can be.

5. Joshua Fluck
  • What questions can one expect to hear when applying for the job of a front end or back end developer?
  • What is appropriate to ask about in return?
  • How long does the interview last?
  • What am I going to say if I do not have enough experience?
  • Can I discuss the salary having a telephone interview?
  • What if I want to apply for two positions?

All these are the most typical questions which worry an IT employee before and during the job interview. They are taken from the real job interview conducted by Joshua Fluke, the IT specialist who manages his own YouTube channel devoted to employment in the IT sphere. I recommend this platform to those who are interested in getting the job in the field of IT and want to see what happens behind the scenes.

Learn more about how to improve your English for IT professionals.